The Best Ever, Easy 3-Ingredient Guacamole Recipe

3-ingredient guacamole recipe

One of my favorite summer recipes is guacamole. During this season, I have the best luck finding perfectly ripe avocados. 

I love making guacamole as an appetizer for parties and grilling nights. But it’s also a versatile dip that pairs well with a variety of dishes.

If you’re looking for a quick and delicious appetizer, my easy 3-ingredient guacamole recipe is perfect for you. It’s incredibly easy to make and requires only 3 — yes, 3! — ingredients. 

Choosing The Perfect Avocados

Choosing the perfect avocados is crucial for making the best guacamole. Here are my tips for picking the best of the best: 

  • When picking the best avocados at the grocery store, look for dark, almost black skin with a slightly bumpy texture that yields to gentle pressure.
  • Flick the small stem at the top; if it comes off easily and is green underneath, the avocado is ripe.
  • Ensure there are no soft spots or blemishes for a perfectly ripe avocado ready for your guacamole.

How to Quickly Ripen Avocados

  • To ripen avocados quickly and efficiently, place unripe avocados in a brown paper bag with an apple or banana, as the ethylene gas produced by these fruits speeds up the ripening process, usually within 1-2 days.
  • Alternatively, leave avocados on the kitchen counter at room temperature for about 3-4 days.
  • Identifying unripe avocados is easy—they are firm to the touch and bright green. If you need to slow down the ripening process, store them in the refrigerator. 

Now that you’ve got perfect avocadoes, you’re ready for the easiest guacamole ever. Let’s get mashing!

3-ingredient guacamole recipe-avocados

Ingredients for 3-Ingredient Guacamole

  • Perfectly Ripe Avocados: The star of the show. Make sure to choose ripe Hass avocados for the best results.
  • Fresh Lime Juice: Adds a zesty freshness to the guacamole and helps prevent browning.
  • Kosher Salt: Enhances the flavors and brings everything together.

Steps to Making 3-Ingredient Guacamole

  1. Prepare the Avocados:
    • Slice the avocados in half and remove the pits.
    • Scoop out the avocado flesh using a spoon and place it in a medium bowl.
    • Use a fork or a potato masher to mash the avocados to your desired consistency. For a chunkier texture, mash less; for a smoother texture, mash more.
  2. Add Fresh Lime Juice:
    • Squeeze fresh lime juice over the mashed avocados. The lime juice not only adds a fresh flavor but also helps maintain the guacamole’s green color.
  3. Season with Kosher Salt:
    • Add a pinch of kosher salt to the avocado mixture.
    • Give it a good stir to ensure the salt is evenly distributed.

Extra Ingredients for More Flavor

While this 3-ingredient guacamole is fantastic on its own, you can add other ingredients for extra flavor. All of these ingredients are easy to find at your local grocery store. 

  • Red Onion: Adds a bit of crunch and a sharp flavor.
  • Fresh Cilantro: Provides a fresh and slightly citrusy taste.
  • Garlic Clove: Fresh garlic adds a robust flavor.
  • Tomato: Diced tomato adds a juicy texture.
  • Jalapeño: For a spicy kick.
  • Cumin: A pinch of cumin adds a warm, earthy flavor.
  • Hot Sauce: For those who love an extra spicy guacamole.
  • Red Pepper Flakes: Spicing up your guacamole with red pepper flakes

leftover guacamole

How to Store Leftover Guacamole

To keep your guacamole fresh and green, follow these storage tips:

  • Airtight Container: Store guacamole in an airtight container to minimize exposure to air.
  • Layer of Plastic Wrap: Before sealing the container, place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the guacamole.
  • Thin Layer of Water: Alternatively, you can add a thin layer of water on top of the guacamole and drain it off before serving next time.

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Why Guacamole is a Great Summer Appetizer

  • Perfect Party Appetizer: Guacamole is always a hit at parties and gatherings.
  • Versatile Dip: It pairs well with tortilla chips, fresh vegetables, and even grilled meats.
  • Quick and Easy Recipe: With just three ingredients, it’s a breeze to prepare, making it ideal for last-minute get-togethers.

Nutritional Benefits of Guacamole

  • Healthy Fats: Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are good for heart health.
  • Low in Calories: This guacamole recipe is low in calories, making it a great option for those following a calorie diet.
  • Fresh Ingredients: Using fresh ingredients ensures you get the most nutrients and the best flavor.

easy guacamole

Here are some meals where you can use your easy guacamole:

  • Taco Nights: Top your tacos with fresh guacamole for added flavor.
  • Burrito Bowls: Add a dollop of guacamole to your rice, beans, and meat bowls.
  • Nachos: Serve guacamole as a dip or drizzle over loaded nachos.
  • Quesadillas: Use guacamole as a side dip for cheesy quesadillas.
  • Burgers: Spread guacamole on your burgers for a creamy, delicious twist.
  • Breakfast Burritos: Include guacamole in your breakfast burrito fillings.
  • Grilled Chicken: Serve guacamole as a topping for grilled chicken breasts.
  • Salads: Mix guacamole into salads for a creamy dressing alternative.
  • Fish Tacos: Enhance your fish tacos with a fresh guacamole topping.
  • Veggie Wraps: Use guacamole as a spread in vegetable wraps.
  • Steak Fajitas: Add guacamole to your sizzling steak fajitas.
  • Baked Potatoes: Top baked potatoes with a generous scoop of guacamole.
  • Egg Sandwiches: Spread guacamole on breakfast sandwiches.
  • Chili: Serve guacamole alongside a hearty bowl of chili.
  • Shrimp Tacos: Pair shrimp tacos with creamy guacamole.
  • Bean Dip: Mix guacamole into a multi-layered bean dip.
  • Rice Bowls: Add guacamole to rice bowls for a burst of flavor.
  • Chicken Tacos: Use guacamole as a topping for chicken tacos.
  • Toasted Baguettes: Spread guacamole on toasted baguette slices as an appetizer.
  • Pita Chips: Serve guacamole with pita chips for a healthy snack.

I’m confident that this easy 3-ingredient guacamole recipe will be your new go-to for any occasion, whether it’s a casual get-together, a summer barbecue, or a simple snack.

Its fresh flavor and creamy texture make it a crowd-pleaser, and with just three ingredients, it’s incredibly simple to make. Try it at your next event and watch it disappear!

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3-ingredient guacamole recipe

The Best Ever, Easy 3-Ingredient Guacamole Recipe

  • Author: Christina Orso


  • 2 ripe Hass avocados
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt


  1. Slice avocados, remove pits, and scoop flesh into a bowl.
  2. Mash with a fork or potato masher to desired consistency.
  3. Squeeze fresh lime juice over mashed avocados.
  4. Add kosher salt and stir to combine.


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