Easy Easter Asparagus Recipe: The Best For Spring

Easy Easter Asparagus Recipe

One of my favorite parts of Easter (and springtime in general, for that matter) is the abundance of fresh produce and my favorite spring vegetables.

Fresh asparagus appears at the top of my list of my favorite springtime vegetable side dishes.

They just taste so delicious, and can be prepared in so many different ways.

Oven-roasted asparagus, for instance, is extremely popular here.

Sometimes, I roast a bunch of asparagus with olive oil, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, garlic powder, and parmesan cheese.

Each and every time, I get the most perfect crisp asparagus.

It’s one of the most popular asparagus recipes, and makes a perfect side dish.

But when Easter comes around, we do things a bit differently.

There’s no roasted asparagus recipe on our dinner table.

We have a special easter asparagus recipe in our home; a very basic recipe that doesn’t require a baking sheet.

It’s the easiest asparagus recipe you could ever make, and the fresh flavors make the entire dish.

And no, we’re not making sautéed asparagus either.

We’re making delicious, cold, steamed asparagus; one of the best asparagus recipes you will ever have.

Here’s What You Need:

In order to make this delicious side dish for easter dinner, you’re going to need a few simple ingredients and some basic equipment.


Asparagus: Get a whole big bunch of asparagus, and break off the woody ends with your hands.

Fresh Garlic: A few minced garlic cloves will bring out the deliciously natural flavor in this recipe.

Lemons: There’s nothing like some fresh lemon juice to enhance the natural flavors of fresh spring asparagus. If you’re a big fan of the lemony flavors and want to learn one of the easiest ways to enhance it across any dish, opt for grating in some lemon zest.

Olive Oil: Use your favorite, just make sure it’s a high quality olive oil.

Salt & Pepper: These are the only seasonings that you’re going to need for this asparagus recipe.


Steamer: This asparagus is getting steamy. Use whatever device you have to steam vegetables.


Frying Pan: If you don’t have a steamer, a frying pan is another perfect way to steam your vegetables. Just make sure you have the lid accessible and put your asparagus in a bit of water.

Large Bowl: This is cold asparagus that we’re making. And to make your asparagus as cold as possible, it needs to sit in a large bowl inside of your refrigerator.

Easy Easter Asparagus Recipe -FRESH

Here’s How You Make It:

Fill a pan with water and add your metal steamer into it. Or, if you don’t have a steamer, put your asparagus in a pan with a little bit of water. No need to get it all into a single layer, just make sure it’s all in there. Season with salt and pepper, and steam over low heat until fork tender.

Once your asparagus is fork tender, transfer it to a large bowl. In the bowl, add more salt and pepper, minced garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil. Mix well until everything is thoroughly combined.

Toss your bowl in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to an hour, depending on how cold you like your asparagus and when you want to eat your holiday meal.

Serve these green veggies immediately as a side dish for your Easter dinner or Easter brunch!

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Easter Asparagus Tips & FAQs:

Q: How long does this asparagus last in the refrigerator?

A: This will last anywhere from 5 days to one week in the fridge, if it even lasts that long without being eaten by the whole family!

Q: Can I boil my asparagus instead of steaming it?

A: You can, but it may lose some of the flavoring that the original sprinkle of salt and pepper would give it. However, if you’re in a pinch and this is your only option, it would be a fine way of cooking asparagus.

Q: Can I prepare roasted asparagus this way?

A: I don’t recommend serving roasted asparagus cold, as the textures and flavors may clash. However, you most certainly can season and flavor your asparagus the way I did above before roasting it. This easy roasted asparagus recipe will taste delicious!

roasted asparagus

Other Easter Side Dishes:

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roasted asparagus

Easy Easter Asparagus Recipe: The Best For Spring

  • Author: Gianna Ferrini


  • 1 lb asparagus spears, rinsed and trimmed
  • Water for steaming
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1-2 tbsp lemon juice, depending on how strong you want it to be.
  • 3 cloves minced garlic
  • Salt and cracked black pepper to taste


  1. Cut off the woody ends on each stalk of asparagus and season with a bit of salt and pepper.
  2. In a metal steaming basket over a pot or in a frying pan, add a bit of cold water, cover with a lid. and steam your asparagus over low heat until fork tender.
  3. Once you have fork tender stalks, place your asparagus in a large bowl. Season with more salt and pepper, olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice.
  4. Mix until thoroughly combined.
  5. Place your asparagus in the refrigerator for 30 minutes-1 hour, or until ready to serve.

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