The Best Way to Freeze Pizza From Mortadella Head

can you freeze dominos pizza

If you’re a pizza junkie like me you should read this to the end.

Every once in a while I’ll get the craving for a pizza late at night when most of the pizza shops and restaurants in my neighborhood are closed.

Usually the only place open pretty late is Dominos Pizza.  And I give them credit.  They are pretty much always there when you need them.

But for me, I want something better than a Domino’s pizza. 

If I’m going to eat pizza, even late at night, I want good pizza.  Something with a homemade pizza crust and sauce that tastes like fresh tomatoes. 

So I decided to try making some frozen pizzas.  And they came out really good.  

I honestly believe that the frozen pizza market needed a significant change.

So I made some frozen pizza and packaged it up the best way I could imagine.

My handmade pizzas are made just like we do it in the restaurant.  The reason it’s a delicious pizza is because we use the same ingredients, same process and same love.

The next time you need to take care of your Domino’s fix, make sure you have some Mortadella Head pizza in the freezer!

can you freeze dominos pizza - our frozen pizza

How We Make Our Frozen Pizza

Our frozen pizza is made the same we were taught when we went to Rome.  We learned how to make our pizza by the famous Gabriel Bonci.  He’s known as the “Michelangelo of Pizza”.

The style of our pizza is called “al taglio” in Italy.  It means that it’s sold by the slice. Usually you see the whole pizza in the case, but they cut off a piece with scissors for you to take to go. 

Our dough is made with a special method that takes 72 hours!  It’s a high hydration dough too.  

This makes the pizza light, airy and crunchy.  It’s actually the perfect type of pizza for reheating.

It only made sense for us to use this pizza as our frozen pizza.

Pizza dough

Allowing the dough to ferment for a long time is the best method to create a lot of flavor in your pizza.  It’s amazing what a little patience does to pizza.  

The way we cook our pizza is a multi step process.  First we gently form the dough to the baking tray, making sure not to disturb the air pockets that were created during the 72 hour fermentation period.

After the dough cooks the first time, we have what’s called a “pizza bianca” or white pizza.

After it cools down, we cover the entire pizza with tomato sauce, cheese and the rest of the toppings.

Pizza sauce

Our sauce is really simple.  We take good tomatoes and simmer them slowly to allow the natural sweetness to be released.  We add sea salt to our pizza sauce too.

Our pizza gets covered in whole milk mozzarella cheese and grated Romano.  The balance of the mild mozzarella and the sharp sheep’s milk Romano is the perfect blend. 

When the cheese starts to melt we remove the tray from the oven and let it cool again.

We then place it into a protective covering and freeze it.

How Do You Ship Frozen Pizza?

We have a lot of experience shipping perishable food.  We ship lots of lasagna and meatballs so we have practice.

The pizza gets placed in a box with an insulated liner and ice packs.  The box gets tightly sealed and it gets sent off with a shipping company. 

It’s a really cool thing to see people in other states enjoying our food.


How To Cook the Frozen Pizza

Every pizza comes with detailed cooking instructions.

For the best results you should preheat your oven to 400 degrees and place the uncooked pizza right on the oven rack. You can place some aluminum foil on the rack first to catch any of the melty cheese that runs off the edges.

It will only take 10-12 minutes to have a perfectly cooked, high quality Roman pizza.

That’s less time than it takes for the Domino’s delivery guy to show up!

How Big Are the Frozen Pizzas

Our frozen pizza’s are 9 inches by 13 inches.  I can eat the whole thing myself.

A whole pie is meant to be shared by 2-4 people usually.

If you have leftovers you can eat them the next day.  Just take the extra pizza and store it in some plastic wrap.  

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How Long Do The Frozen Pizzas Last in the Freezer

Our frozen pizza, like most frozen pizzas, should be used in 3-6 months. 

Usually it won’t last that long because it gets eaten up fast!

So make sure you stock up on Mortadella Head frozen pizza.  You’ll be happy the next time you have the late night pizza craving.

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