The Best Way to Store Pizza Dough in The Fridge

The Best Way to Store Pizza Dough in The Fridge

Today, I’m going to teach you about something you may need to know someday. Specifically, I’ll be discussing how long can pizza dough last in the fridge. The quick answer is that pizza dough will usually last in the fridge for 3-5 days. But it depends on several factors which I will go over. First […]

How to Make the Perfect Pizza: The Best Cookbooks 

best pizza cookbooks

I’ll admit it—I’m kind of obsessed with pizza. Whether I’m trying to perfect a crisp Neapolitan crust or tackle a hearty, cheesy Roman-style pie, pizza night in my kitchen has become a bit of a ritual.  If there’s another thing you should know about me, it’s that I love reading and obsessivel collect books. Over […]

Pizza Pan vs. Pizza Stone: Which Baking Tool is Best? 

pizza pan vs pizza stone

As a pizza lover who’s obsessed with getting the perfect slice, I’ve spent countless hours experimenting with different cooking tools in my own kitchen. Whether it’s the first bite of a perfectly crispy crust, or the satisfaction of slicing into a warm, gooey pie, there’s a lot to explore when it comes to making pizza […]

Can You Cook Pizza on Cardboard in the Oven? Here’s Why Not  

can you cook pizza on cardboard in oven

Keyword: can you cook pizza on cardboard in oven Title: Can You Cook Pizza on Cardboard in the Oven? Here’s Why Not   Author: Christina Orso Last week, I came across a TikTok video where someone was cooking pizza directly on cardboard in the oven, and I couldn’t help but cringe. As a huge pizza fan, […]

How to Sharpen Your Pizza Cutter for Chef-Level Success  

how to sharpen pizza cutter

If you’re a huge pizza lover like me, you know that a pizza cutter is an essential kitchen tool. There’s nothing more satisfying than slicing through a hot pizza with ease, especially when you’re enjoying one of Mortadella Head’s frozen pizzas that ship all over the country. But over time, just like any kitchen tool, […]